In metaphysics, Aura refers to the energy field emanating from the surface of a person or object. This emanation is visualized as an outline of cascading color and may be held to represent soul vibrations, chakra emergence, or a reflection of surrounding energy fields.
Auras may be viewed by the naked eye, though some psychics, like Edgar Cayce, believe this ability weakens with age. Focused training may improve one's ability to see auras. Layers of aura are separate and distinct yet connected to all the remaining layers. In the books of Carlos Castaneda auras are referred to as luminous cocoons.
Modern New Age metaphysics identify the aura as electromagnetic fields. The existence of electromagnetic fields around every object in the known world is a scientifically proven fact. What is debatable is whether or not humans can see these electromagnetic fields as colors with the naked eye. This claim is considered paranormal because devices that sense electromagnetic fields at magnitudes many times smaller than that which allegedly exists in auras have recorded nothing.
However, these energy fields are sometimes claimed to be documented by a rare form of photography called Kirlian photography.
Auras vibrate to different colors, sounds, and light frequencies. The color spectrum varies with one's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states.
Every living thing has an auric field. In terms of our bodies, an aura is an electromagnetic energy field around our body. It is an oval shape which surrounds each of us. Our aura is the energy which emanates from us and can extend on average about 2-3ft outside our physical body in each direction. Our body has 7 auric layers as follows; physical, etheric, vital, astral, lower mental, higher mental and spiritual. Each layer is linked to different aspects as follows: • Physical is linked to our physical body and what we feel around our bodies • Etheric is linked to our general emotions and about how we feel about ourselves • Vital is linked to our mind and how we think • Astral is also linked to our emotions and how we get on with others • Lower mental is linked to our divine purpose • Higher mental is linked to unconditional love and our joy for our spiritual connection • Spiritual is linked to our intuition and connection to our Creator and spirit • There can be blocks in these different levels which can be released through holistic therapies.
Auras can have different colours and each colour represents different aspects of our lives. The colour of our aura can reflect how we feel physically and emotionally and can give us an idea of where we are spiritually.
Our physical body has an etheric double, which permeates and extends 1-2 cm beyond the physical body. The etheric double is the template for the physical body: it has all the organs of the physical body in the energy form, it also has meridians (subtle energy channels) and chakras (energy centres).
Life energy flows through the etheric double. This life energy is a sort of subtle electrical current that animates the physical body and carries out the physiological processes. The etheric double is primary to its physical counterpart. This means that the defects and disorders in the etheric double manifest themselves as defects and disorders in the physical body - immediately or with a delay.
The etheric double has an aura that is called the etheric aura, and it consists of several layers. This luminous energy field has many functions, one of them is the protective function – it protects a person from the harmful energies and beings that exist in the non-physical reality.
The etheric body acts as a bridge between the dense physical body and the astral (or emotional) body; hence, the state of the etheric body (and its aura) influences the physical and psychological states of the person. For example, if the etheric body is grossly contaminated, the person will feel unwell and mentally unclear.
The converse is also true: every thought, emotion, word and action instantly influence the state of the person’s etheric body (its subtle organs, chakras and meridians). Ideally, the etheric body must be clean and of high vibration so as to allow a free flow of life energy through it; the aura should be smooth, dense and strong. However, this picture is quite rare – the aura of ordinary people is far from being clean and smooth.
It’s a common occurrence that the aura of an ordinary person is uneven, has depleted or congested areas, cracks or holes, and energy cords attached to it. For example, prolonged exposure to radiation of a computer monitor can breach the aura at the head, chest and the solar plexus level, i.e. at the level of its position in relation to the human body.
Breaks in the aura can be of different sizes – from pinholes to the big gaping 'wounds'. They open the field of the person to the negative influence of the environment.
The causes of thinning, cracks or holes in the aura are briefly listed below: strong emotions (anger, fear, etc.); a psychological trauma; alcohol and drugs; anesthesia; some pharmacological agents; so-called "soul fragments" missing; a blow to the physical body; environmental toxins; electromagnetic fields; an unintentional psychic attack from people (negative thoughts, criticism, household curses); intentional (or black magic) attacks; channeling; "hit and run" attacks by non-material entities; being around draining situations and beings
When the integrity of the aura is compromised, the person will experience draining of energy. This can manifest as a sudden energy loss, a sharp change of mood, headache (often migraine), acute pain, nausea, sudden illness (e.g., infection), etc.
The aura will normally recover its integrity in several days through a natural process of self-healing. During this period, the person may feel unwell and they may intuitively seek alternate sources of replenishment of vital energy. Since most of the people do not know how to replenish their reserves of vitality through natural means (that is by absorbing prana from the environment), they replace the energy by ‘eating something’ or by vampiring energy from other people.
Thinning of the aura also causes repeated physical injuries in the corresponding parts of the physical body. Unhealed holes in the aura often lead to serious consequences. For example, the chronic fatigue syndrome most likely is due to the presence of long-lasting holes in the aura.
Moreover, the presence of holes in the aura greatly increases the risk of attachment of negative entities. For positive long-term results, it is important to remove negative energies and negative entities from the human energy field before we repair the holes in the aura.
GENERAL CLEANING Here is the description for a general aura clearing technique allows us to effectively close holes in the aura. If your hands are sensitive, you can find breaks in the aura by scanning it at a distance of 10-20 cm from the body. These can be felt as a hole, a pit, a cold draught or other. You can work with your hands or a crystal.
Take a quartz crystal in the shape of a pencil and apply longitudinal passes from top to bottom to clean the entire aura. The movements should be not quick, start from over the top and end at the feet. After each longitudinal pass flick the crystal over a bowl filled with salt water – to properly dispose of the negative energy you are removing from the aura. Do this over the entire surface of the aura. At the end of the session wash the crystal in salt water (but not in the container which you used for the disposal of "dirty" energy). It is important to clean the crystal too. Alternately, you can leave the crystal under the sun for a few hours.
To cleanse the aura, take a salt water bath. Water temperature should be around 40 degrees C. A bucket of water with a handful of salt would be enough. While bathing, invoke: "In the name of the Creator, I command: let all the negative and unwanted energy of other people and beings will be washed away from my aura completely and perfectly, redirected into the ground and disposed of properly. So be it! " After the bath invoke: "Creator, thank you for cleansing my energy field, thank you for healing it, for balancing and filling it with energy, thank you for spiritually protecting it. So be it!" After the bath, practice 10-12 cycles of rhythmic breathing to recharge your body’s ‘batteries’.
Swim in the sea, walk under the rain, stand in the sun or let fresh breeze cleanse you from all the sides. Imagine and feel that natural forces are cleansing you from negative energy and carrying it to the right place for disposal.
"A Golden Comb": Imagine a comb made of golden light, and mentally carefully comb your aura with it. Dispose the negatives into the Violet Flame. After the procedure, send the Violet Flame back to its place of origin.
"A Whirlpool": Breathe and imagine yourself in a vertical whirlpool of water-like energy, flowing from the Heaven. Imagine it picks up and carries away in a spiraling motion all the negative energy. It is carried into the ‘Universal Ocean’ to be dissolved there without a trace.
"Hole patching": Mentally inspect your aura. Locate a hole. Clean it in any manner, for example, "wash" it with luminous blue light. Imagine a needle and a thread of the right colour and patch the hole. Then fill the treated area with golden light and smoothen the area with your (energy) hands. Through visual images you give a command to your subconscious mind, a powerful healer, what should be done. The effectiveness of these procedures depends on the power of your imagination, your belief in their efficacy and some degree of skill that comes with practice.
It is critical to protect your aura on a daily basis, especially if you are empathic and obviously pick up on other people’s energy. Or if you are developing your intuition or are already fairly intuitive, then you are also more susceptible to picking up negative energy or even negative entities. I am frequently asked how to help a child or adult who becomes overwhelmed in crowds, who picks up on other’s emotions or even pain. In this article, I will discuss several of the more common ways that you can protect yourself and/or protect your child and cleanse negative energy.
This is the most commonly known way of protecting the aura. Imagine white light coming down from the Divine/Universe. It comes down to the crown of your head and then spills out over you and down under your feet. You are now surrounded by a white light bubble. White is pure and thus, highly protective. Now, that your bubble is around you, you are protected from any negative energy coming inside your bubble. You can now change the color if you’d like, add mirrors to reflect away any negative energy (I use this when going into a place that is known to have negative energy or where there will be a large group of people), put hearts on it to emanate love, whatever you want to put on it to affect your energy for that day. It makes a HUGE difference. You can put bubbles around your house too.
Carry a piece of black tourmaline with you. Black tourmaline is one of the best known crystals for protecting against negative energy. It’s relatively inexpensive as well. You can find jewelry with it also.
Smudge your aura regularly. Smudging is a Native American practice using white sage to cleanse any negative energy. When my kids (or even me) start getting cranky, whiny, angry, etc., I pull out my smudge stick and cleanse everyone. It is also a good practice after you’ve been around people who drain your energy and/or large groups of people.
Grounded means your energy is connected to Mother Earth. When you are grounded, your aura is protected by your body. However, it makes us less aware of our physical surroundings which can make us more susceptible to negative energy. There are many ways to get grounded. One way is to hug a tree. Trees are amazing beings that will ground you and remove your negative energy sometimes within just a minute or two. Oh, be sure to thank the tree for helping you. Another way is to simply YELL Body, attach to the Earth! often. Yet another way is to walk barefoot in the dirt or sand.
Keep your aura close to you. Every time your aura crosses someone else’s, you are picking up on their energy. If you keep your aura close to you (just by imagining it as so), your aura doesn’t interact with so many others’ auras. To see where you aura is, hold up your hands and push out as if you were feeling for your protection bubble mentioned above. When you feel a difference in the density of the energy, that is where your aura begins/ends.
USE SOUND TO PROTECT YOUR AURA Use sound to clear your aura. Certain tones have the ability to clear our energy. Find a Tibetan singing bowl, a handheld chime, a ceremonial drum, or tuning forks with a tone that is soothing. It’s clearing your energy and cleaning your aura, plus grounding you, and that’s why you feel better after hearing the tone.
Yukia Qwi An Sandara