Poetry :The Age of Union Awakened – Part III

She speaks of the Age of Union, now awakened
She speaks of the birth of the tales to Be
She speaks of the ancient rhythms of Fire and Water
Blending together as One
She brings forth the ecstasy of the Flame
To be no longer extinguished but ignited
In the alchemy of the womb of Gaia
She speaks of the full abandonment to the Soul and the Heart
Becoming the design of the new sculpture of Life
Now layed before the new body of Man
She speaks with sensual elation
Whispering softly, mumbling passionately
From the deepest sparkling fluidity within her
Now, mingled into the vast oceans of Her Lover
She surrender’s to the flow of the motion that arouses her
Her breath quickens as her bosom flowers in pure delight
Her delicious carnal nectar reveal’s the mysteries of the Universe
Echoing the tales of the orgasmic union ‘s now sealed
Into the core of Gaia as the sacred white fire burns
Within the celestial songs coming forth to Be
She utters a eloquent scream in pure ecstasy
As she burst’s Consciousness of all unknown to Be
Throughout all spaces of time and space continuum
In a symbiotic dance of pure magnificence
She embodies the very fabric of her Presence
Now united and anchored with greatness of her Spirit
In the Heart of all there is, she silently rests
Feeling the completion and the fullness of
Her Beingness to be in the silence within
She murmurs ,
She Loves
She Loves
Yukia Qwi an Sandara
IF you need assistance in your journey to overcome some challenges and blockages to re direct you into your path , life purpose support , clearing old program's , conditioning , re-awaken your gifts , return to your true essence, alignment , balance and harmonization, collecting our fragmented aspects and restoring them to unification in the sacred space
of the heart , I am also available for sessions ;
if you check my website you can read about my experience in about me and other people's
experiences with these sessions .
In the healing side there is also a free 30 minutes exploration for a full mentoring program to assist you ;
I am at your disposal to connect , engage in a protective loving space .
All my love ,
Yukia Qwi An Sandara