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Sat, Jun 25


Online Webinar - Zoom

Inviting you to explore the ability to embrace your spiritual telepathic channel through the greater aspect of the Self , Art, Light codes, Sound resonance from within our very Core.

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Time & Location

Jun 25, 2022, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM GMT-5

Online Webinar - Zoom

About the Event

Inviting you to explore the ability to embrace your  spiritual telepathic channel through the greater aspect of the Self , Art, Light codes, Sound resonance from within our very Core.

This skill set is inherent in all of Us.

Please watch this video describing this course with this link:

Some of the topics we shall cover in this one day  event:

  • What is a telepathic register.
  • How it imprints as an energetic vibration and anchors in the mental body.
  • What are the different pathways of that imprinting , *what is the filter between intuition and telepathy, *how they overlap and how often they influence our other abilities to be switched on ; like being magnetic and in Divine Presence.
  • How to activate our telepathic channels, how sensitive is the subtle energy in our Etheric body , how the brain is used in it’s totality.
  • How the higher mind catalyses our pure innate knowingness to come on line.
  • How the Pineal gland records it as a pathway to the brain through our water crystalline register that stores all our higher aspects and versions of these impressions.
  • How we develop our telepathic skills /mandala drawing and practices in nature.
  • How to ground them.
  • How to send telepathic messages.
  • How to be of service through groups by taping into the collective telepathy of the planetary Grid.


  • Each one of you will receive a current energy signature visionary art work with a brief coded message to contemplate and meditate before the creative lab. Please bring from the first session onwards ; they will be all part of the telepathic container.
  • Bring stones, crystals, organic material, special objects , photos of loved ones to experience in the group container as the telepathic channel opens and we exchange as a group.
  • Bring your lovely voices and language of Light channels…
  • The very core of the Labs is to express and experience the energy of this vibration yourself through a variety of practices involving art, Light coding, sacred algorithm’s, sound.


  • Standard Webinar Ticket

    +€2.48 ticket service fee
    Sale ended



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